What a pen means to a paper, an icing means to a cake, a stereo to a dash board, and a key to a safe? So is also Man’s beauty, which is incomplete without this phenomenon known as a Moustache. Hairs and the government come and fall, skin and the trees wrinkles, memory and friends die, relations and beliefs break, jobs and money are lost, the woman leaves, children forget, times fly but the Moustache clings on to the man till he dies. And all this without a thing sought in return except an occasional trim here and a whisk there. This dogged persistence through ages and the humble part it plays in enriching a Man’s appeal makes it the object of pride and possession. Without doubt.
The women with the clichéd rant that the tache of a Man is a bottleneck to the second best thing their lips are made for, are vehemently selfish. How they would like a man to do away with his lifetime possession for a momentary bliss is beyond belief. It is strange but true that they do admire their father and grandpa who sport one, but when it comes to their love interest the views are the opposite. Now the ladies may argue why the king of hearts is the only one without moustache and what makes him the “King of hearts” different from the rest. Well, they do not realize the difference between a man in flesh and blood with his golden heart and a sincere moustache and the hearts of a pack of filthy cards designed to gamble the last blood of him. Reprehensible.
Mahatma Gandhi, Adolf Hitler, Charlie Chaplin, Nietzsche and Einstein are a few names to reckon when it comes to this debate. Some of these great men are known for their distinct styles of moustache. Can one imagine an Einstein or a Nietzsche without his moustache at any point of their lives? Never.
There are several advantages other than to embellish a Man’s look. The mouth is guarded from a perennially running nose or tears flowing the cheeks (yes, the strongest of men do cry), a baby in arms gets the pleasure of playing with it and a heart warming tickle in the cheeks when kissed (one does always see the jubilation on the face of the baby when this happens). It is a neighbour’s envy (who does not own one) and the owner’s pride. Beep -> Some men have a better source to play with and caress at leisure <- Beep. The list goes on and will require a book to do justice.
This aura and pride will continue with mankind as long as noble and great men will choose to take this legacy of growing a moustache and teach the generations to come of its virtues. Long live such men and their legacy!
Hey Suppi, this post definitely needed your photo. Also some lines on beard after that.
Remember: Mooche ho to natthu lal ke jaisi hon.. warna na hon.
So I am sticking to the warna na ho part.
A beard cannot match the prominence and appeal of a tache and so it deserved no mention!
The monologue is now passé. Wait till people replace Natthulal with someone else ;)
Well, you have crossed the international territory now. How about bringing back your french cut?
You do not have a beard without a moustache (else you would be looking sohail khan). Post it still go ahead.
About my french cut, I've crossed boundries but at present state that too is an effort.
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